Saturday, September 7, 2013

Be The Best Advertiser Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship’s (FGBMFI) method of spreading the Gospel as envisioned by its Founder, Demos Shakarian, was by personal testimonies by the power of the Holy Spirit on the reality and goodness of God/Jesus Christ in person, in the lives of the members, which is shown or evidenced in their acts of love, words, thoughts and deeds. The Lord Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of the heart, your mouth speaks” (Matt. 12:34).

In this way, others will be persuaded by the Holy Spirit to receive and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their LORD and only Savior. In advertising business, we term this a “word-of-mouth” advertising, which is the most effective way of encouraging others to buy a certain product or commodity.

A certain smart car manufacturer used a motto in its advertising that stressed the importance of word-of-mouth recommendations. It simply said, “Ask the man who owns one.” There is nothing quite like a personal testimony or word-of-mouth approval from a satisfied customer. For example, in the commercial world, like those advertising a bath soap, a popular beautiful and sexy movie actress with smooth-looking skin is selected to endorse the product, implying that she is a user of the soap.

For Christians, what “product” are we to advertise?

We are called to be witnesses (or advertisers) for Jesus Christ, but with the additional requirement of product knowledge. In other words, how well do we know our “product”? We represent Christ in everything we do and say. Therefore, when we speak out for Christ, we must do so with all boldness and sincerity, accuracy and authority. This means we must be familiar with what Scripture says about sin, salvation, and man’s need for grace through faith. If we do not represent the Gospel accurately, or our acts will not match our talk, our witness for the Savior will be ineffective.

Therefore, we must study and memorize, as much as possible, God’s Word. We should learn by heart its doctrines and put them into practice in our daily walk with God. That will make us a better, perhaps the best, witness or advertiser of God/Jesus Christ in person. This is the primary reason why the organizers of FGBMFI of Davao City conceived of our Saturday morning breakfast fellowship.

One of the first and original disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. He was instrumental in witnessing and bringing his own brother to the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:35-42 KJV). But before he witnessed to his brother, he first encountered the Lord Jesus in person. Worded differently, he was an eye witness to Jesus’ existence and he experienced himself the reality and goodness of the LORD Jesus. This is true in the courts of law. The most effective witness is an eyewitness of the matter in question or in issue.

Let us strive to be the best advertiser of the LORD Jesus in thoughts, in words and in deeds.

In the gospel as written by John, we read about Andrew, who went to his brother Peter and said, “We have found the Messiah.” He then “brought him to Jesus” (John 1:41-42). Andrew’s personal encounter with Jesus Christ and the realization that He was the Messiah prompted him to introduce Peter to our LORD and Savior. He did not only advertise by word-of-mouth, he persuaded his brother to see and “taste” the “product” he advertised. This is one way by which our chapter will grow not only in “stature” before Christ but also in number. It is not easy to catch fish; it needs hard work and much sacrifice in time and effort. So also in catching men for the kingdom of God. There is a reward reserved for fishers of men. Our Lord Jesus promised: “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be” (Rev. 22:12 KJV).

One Sunday, many years ago, I invited my own older brother to my Sunday School class. During lunch time, I fed him with sumptuous food. Just as we catch a fish by feeding it, so it is with men. Thereafter, I observed that every Sunday, without absence, he was excited to attend my class. I don’t know then if he was interested with the lesson or in the sumptuous food. But, I am sure that through the working of the Holy Spirit, he became a true disciple of Christ, because later on he asked for a Thompson Chain Reference Bible and he had attended my Sunday school class from Sunday to Sunday although the sumptuous food was no longer served every Sunday.

When we witness to unbelievers or non-believers and tell them what God says about their lost condition and need of a Savior, we should personally recommend the Lord Jesus to them, and spend precious time, effort and even money. We should not worry about the expenses for God will certainly and undoubtedly refund us, even more, sometimes a hundredfold and time spent for the Lord is time well-spent to be rewarded in eternity, and oftentime even within our lifetime on earth. We have to tell them what God has done for us and how He has satisfied our deepest spiritual need. This is the best advertising of all. When witnessing, if people ask, “How do you know it’s true”? Remember that they cannot dispute what Christ has done for you, because it is your personal experience.

We are Christ’s “Letters of Recommendation” to the unbelievers or non-believers.

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