Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Most Precious Treasure And Gift From God

Our indebtedness to God for our salvation and our entire dependence upon Him should lead us to acknowledge Him as the giver of all our blessings, and by our thanksgiving and praise offerings as well as our financial offerings for the kingdom of God, we acknowledge this. Of the bounties He has bestowed upon us, He requires that a portion be returned to Him. By giving to the Lord what is due to His kingdom, we declare and acknowledge to the whole world and to the invisible kingdom of God on earth that all our material and spiritual blessings and mercies are from Him, that all we possess belongs to Him. Nothing is ours.

The Lord has committed talents to us, that we may be better fitted to honor and glorify Him. To some He has entrusted material wealth; to others, special qualifications and talents for service to the kingdom of God and to others, tact and influence. The Bible tells us that some have five talents, others two, and others one (Matt. 25:15). From the highest to the lowest each has been entrusted with some gifts, or a gift, or talent. In fact, the Bible tells us that everyone is given at least a talent or gift. No one has a zero talent. These talents are not our own. They belong to God. He has given them to us for conscientious use, and He will one day ask for an account of how we have used the talents or talent bestowed upon us.

The great lesson we are daily to learn is that we are stewards (or caretakers) of God’s gifts – stewards of money, of reason, of intellect, of influence. In fact, everything we possess or have, including our body. As stewards of the Lord’s gifts, we are to trade or use these talents, though insignificant they may seem to us (1 Peter 4:10).

However insignificant may be our talent or spiritual gift, we are to or use it in God’s service, for He has need for it, and the believers are God’s instrument. If it is wisely used, we can bring to God one soul who also will dedicate his or her talent to the Master’s service. That soul may win other souls, which are the most precious treasures for us in heaven and with our God, and thus one talent, faithfully used, may gain many talents, and many souls. In this way, we have fulfilled what the Scriptures said, “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth or rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matt. 6:20-21 KJV). But the most precious gift we can receive from our God is eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ (John 3:16; Romans 6:23).  

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