The beauty and image of
our Lord Jesus Christ is revealed in the Gospels (the Good News, the
Bible, principally in the gospel written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John). The manner and way of the Lord Jesus in expressing his
thoughts, through direct statements of truths or through parables
(earthly stories with heavenly meaning); the love, concern and
compassion He had shown to the rich and poor, to the influential and
powerful and to the peasants alike, man or woman,
young or old, are examples for us to emulate.
If we have received
Jesus as our Lord and savior and have the love of God in our heart,
we become like Jesus or we become Christlike. And if we want to know
what Jesus is like, read the Gospels (the Bible).
If we study the
Gospels, we can see how Jesus did things. The Lord Jesus, a master
teacher, only taught and lived love and sharing, who came for love
and lived in love and died for love that we might live and love
Jesus went about
everywhere doing good (Acts 10:38), striving to lead God’s children
back to true worship of the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
to the way of simple truth and love and peace, the true kingdom of
Love is the most
important thing in life. Jesus taught: Love your God with all your
heart, soul, spirit and strength, and your neighbor as yourself
(Matt. 22:37-39).
The words of Jesus are
the most beautiful, inspired, and encouraging part of the Bible. He
is always the peacemaker. When people did not like or refuse to
accept His message, He did not force it on them. He wants only
voluntary acceptance of His offer of salvation through confession and
repentance of sin and by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Rev.
22:17; Eph. 2:8-9).
Jesus was very
patient, loving, kind, sympathetic, and forgiving, always leading and
feeding and encouraging and strengthening His flocks (believers).
For unbelievers they need only to repent and receive Jesus as their
Lord and Savior. He was the greatest of all examples of love,
humility, and mercy, even to the sinners.
For example as recorded
in John 8:3-11, when a woman who was about to be stoned to death for
having been caught in the very act of adultery (in flagrante
delicto), He did not say, “Sorry, Madam, Dura lex, sed lex”
(Hard may be the law, but it must be followed or enforced).
Since the Word of God
is true that “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
(Rom. 3:23), the woman deserved to be stoned to death. However, by
infinite wisdom, the Lord Jesus told her accusers, “He that is
without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her”. She was
afforded a second chance, for every one left the woman alone
untouched. When Peter asked Him, “How many times will I forgive my
brother?” He answered: “Seventy times seven” [or 490 times]
(Matt. 18:21). He further said, “If your brother
trespass against you seven times in a day, and he asks for
forgiveness, forgive him” (Luke 17:4). This is for God’s sake,
for God is Love. Let us be like Jesus: be Christlike.
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