Saturday, March 23, 2013

Precious Time: Handle It With Care

            Time lost can never be regained.

It is written, “Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble.” Life is compared to a flower and a shadow or vapour that last only for a few minutes or hours or few days (James 4:14; Job 14:1-2).

In the prayer of Moses, the man of God, which is the oldest Psalm (several hundred years before David wrote many of the Psalms), he said: “The days of our years are three score years and ten (70 years); and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years (80 years), yet is their strength labour and sorrow (or pain and suffering in other rendition), for it is soon cut off, and we fly away” (Psalm 90:10).

The giver of time and days freely is God himself, and we are to devote or use time and days wisely. We must therefore take advantage of the opportunities time provide to serve the Lord in whatever capacity as God has bestowed to us a talent or talents and to do His will. Therefore, we must ask ourselves how much time do I devote for God and the mission He commanded us to do according to His will? The mission is: “Go ye unto all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature” [good news of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ] (Mark 15:15) “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” (Matt. 28:20 KJV).

Time spent for writing articles to be published in our FGBMFI Saturday Bulletin is definitely one means of “preaching” the Gospel all over the world for those who have their own blogs, and where internet is available. Thanks to ex-Davao City Councilor Peter T. Laviña who graciously provided me a blog. Blessed are those who are contributing regularly to our FGBMFI Saturday Bulletin. Their reward is now being enjoyed by them and more are waiting in heaven.

Most of us devote our time looking for money which can be the source of our security and happiness. I said “us” because I, too, am guilty of it. I literally work, including this article writing, more than eight hours everyday, including holidays except Sundays and Holy Friday.

However, we do not have to be working every single moment. God the Father commanded: “Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work:

It is necessary to take a break every so often. Use the wisdom given us by God. Precisely Moses prayed further, “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” (vs. 12). In another rendition, it is said: “Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow in wisdom (NLT). Laconically stated, “spend wisely our alloted time in this earth”.

According to wise King Solomon, “There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT). The Lord Jesus Christ is our best example. He demonstrated this when He was on earth ministering. He lived only for 33 years or so, yet he was able to accomplish His mission – to save all sinners who believe, repent and accept and receive Him as their Lord and only Savior (Mark 15:16). He said to His disciples: “Sleep on now, and take your rest:” (Matt. 26:45; Mark 14:41 KJV); “Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place (without disturbance), and rest a while:” (Mark 6:31 KJV).

We should be grateful that the Lord does not sell time. If this were the case, only the rich can buy. No, He provides it as a gift to everyone who is willing. “Whosoever will” is the policy of God (Rev. 22:17). God does not force His will upon us. This is the grace of God. So let’s spend our days “redeeming the time” (Col. 4:5), using the opportunities to serve God and our fellowmen for as long as we live and are able.

How can we serve the Lord God and others? Ask yourself, “What is my talent, or what do I enjoy most to do?” Serve the Lord and others by using that talent. As you continue serving, your talent is improved and “perfected” until you become an “expert.” You will not be bored and be watching your watch but instead you will enjoy your work or “ministry” in the kingdom of God; you will forget the time and days past, and also you will be surprised beyond measure and beyond your wildest dreams that God will enable you to earn exceedingly and abundantly (Eph. 3:20).

We do not know exactly how long and how much time or days we have left. So let us live and serve God and men who will need our services as if this day is going to be our last. Let us spend our God-given time and days WISELY.

Time is gold and very precious. Handle it with care!

[FGBMFI Davao City Chapter Bulletin March 23, 2013]

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